During the fighting, both industrial and social infrastructure was destroyed or demolished, and some destruction led to pollution of air, water and soil with hazardous substances. The need to eliminate the negative consequences requires a systematic approach to the implemented recovery measures: environmental monitoring, resource management, demining, means of restoration, reconstruction and restoration of comfortable and ecological conditions for humanity. We offer you or your team to choose topics and solve problems that will be based on the use of modern technologies and materials, taking into account the environmental component and science, anticipating the possible negative effects of man-made disasters. It is necessary to figure on environmental friendliness, economy, energy costs, resource recovery, green energy, multifunctionality and adaptation to different conditions.
(registration is open from 1.10.2022 till 23.10.2022)
Main information resource of the Festival: technoart.kpi.ua
Telegram: @EngineeringFestivalTechnoArtKPI
Email: technoartkpi.International@gmail.com